Lecture series presented by Japan Juggling Association; Session 9: Social Circus

Purpose and Previous lectures

Japan Juggling Association started academic lectures on juggling in 2012 to strengthen educational activities not only for juggling as a sport or art, but also for juggling as a "culture" for further development of the genre. Through these activities, we hope to support human resources who support juggling in today's society and provide an opportunity to reconsider our position and the direction in which jugglers should move forward.


"Juggling for Social Good - Social Circus, a new field to be for jugglers"



Fitness-like circus classes are getting popular in the U.S. and Europe. Among them, 'Social Circus,' which fosters creativity, a sense of balance, cooperation, and communication skills, is now attracting much attention.
Social Circus is a program that comprehensively fosters cooperation, problem-solving skills, self-esteem, and communication skills through the practice and acquisition of circus skills. Recently, the program has begun to be introduced in Japan as well. It is used for a wide range of purposes, from rehabilitation and recreation for the disabled and elderly to creating places for people who have difficulty living. It’s another field that you can explore to use your juggling skills and communication skills developed through street performances to contribute to society.

Workshop Program
  • What is Social Circus?
  • Self-affirmation through 'Tsutsu-ken,' a simple kendama game that anyone can play.
  • Cascade with anyone with 'Zombie Juggling' and 'Zombie Tsutsu-Ken'! Getting closer through games.
  • Rope Work: Developing cooperation through risk-taking with others.
  • Juggling in the human pyramid! Resilience learned from the circus.

From simple things anyone can do to slightly dangerous circus tricks. This is a program to experience while utilizing everyone's juggling skills.


What to bring

Juggling balls, Your major props


Keisuke Kanai

Circus artist, JDS representative / SLOW CIRCUS director.
Started street performance in junior high school. He then studied with a mime company Han Mime Kobo, and studied Noh as a trainee in Japan with the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Later he became the first Japanese artist to study at the Circus National de France (CNAC) as an overseas trainee. After graduation, he toured Europe with a circus production directed by Philippe Decouflé, then founded a French contemporary circus company, which performed in 35 countries around the world. He choreographed the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics Opening Ceremony Circus, founded Shinshu Youth Circus with teenage members in 2022, and performed on the guest stage at JJF2015 in Koriyama as a member of Cru Cru Cirque DX.


Day 2 8 Oct. (Sun) 13:30〜14:30


Gym 5 (B1F)

JJF2023 Organizing team: info-jjf2023juggling.jp

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