Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The representative of the applicant and accompanying persons who purchase tickets for JJF2023 and enter the venue such as gyms, theaters, and other places managed by the Japan Juggling Association (hereinafter referred to as "JJF venue") are deemed to have agreed to the following Terms and Conditions and Personal Photography Policy. Please read them carefully before applying.

Article 1. Basic Policy
  • You are required to agree to the Terms and Conditions of Participation and the Personal Photography Policy when you apply for participation.
  • If a minor agrees to these terms by himself/herself, he/she must inform his/her guardian of the contents and obtain his/her guardian's consent.
Article 2. Rules for Participation
  • Please be aware that juggling is a sport with a certain degree of danger, and take care not to injure yourself or other participants.
  • The Japan Juggling Association will not be liable for any loss caused by injury, accident, or theft to participants during the JJF. If any damage is caused to the venue, other participants, or any other third party due to the participant's intentional or negligent conduct, the participant shall be liable to compensate for all such damage.
  • The Japan Juggling Association reserves the right to edit and use in videos, publications, websites, and video distribution, etc., during and after the JJF period, any and all works filmed, photographed, or filmed at the JJF site by the Japan Juggling Association or by persons acting on behalf of the Japan Juggling Association during the JJF period.
  • Please follow the Personal Photography Policy that you agree to when you register to participate in the event.
  • Participants with infants and toddlers are requested to watch their children at all times during the JJF to ensure that they are not injured. If a participant neglects his/her responsibility by leaving his/her child unattended, we may take necessary measures such as asking both the participant and the child to leave the JJF venue for safety reasons.
  • Participants must carry their participation pass with them at all times while in the JJF venue and present it whenever requested to do so by a JJF staff member. Participants who do not present their participation pass may be asked to leave the JJF venue or may be subject to other necessary measures.
Article 3. Prohibitions
  • The sale of goods and any other commercial activities are prohibited in the JJF venue.
  • Any act that offends public order and morals, or any act that intentionally damages the venue, other participants, other third parties, or the JJF's assets is prohibited.
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking are prohibited in the JJF venue.
Article 4. Cancellation of Contract
  • For the sake of safety and smooth progress of the event, participants are required to follow the instructions of JJF staff. The JJF Executive Committee has the authority to order participants to leave the JJF venue, and the JJF Executive Committee Chair, JJF Director in Charge, JJF Championships Director, and the President of the Japan Juggling Association may order participants to leave on behalf of the JJF Executive Committee. In addition, the JJF Executive Committee may refuse to allow a participant to participate in the JJF or apply for the JJF Championship in the following year or thereafter if the participant causes trouble by not following instructions from JJF staff.
  • Participants may not appeal against the decision to expel them. The JJF participation fee will not be refunded in the event of an expulsion order.

Personal Photography Policy

  • All recording, filming, recording, or distribution (hereinafter referred to as ""filming, etc."") of the Guest Stage by individuals is prohibited.
  • Individuals are not prohibited from filming the Championships, various events held in the gym, workshops, and free practice sessions, but must obtain permission from the subject of the filming or other participants before filming.
  • In principle, the use of video, photographs, audio, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "video, etc.") recorded, photographed, or recorded by an individual is for personal use only.
  • When sharing video, etc. on a website, video distribution site, broadcast media, publications, etc., please be sure to obtain the consent of the subject in accordance with common sense, and if music is included, please take the appropriate measures, such as removing the music or performing the necessary rights processing.
  • The photographer is fully responsible for his/her own actions, including filming etc., and for any damages incurred as a result of the use of the footage, and the Japan Juggling Association will not be held liable for any damages.
  • In principle, commercial activities based on filmed images are prohibited. Secondary use of the footage for sale for a fee, creation of promotional giveaways, or bartering for commercial videos or other valuable items is also prohibited.

JJF2023 Organizing team: info-jjf2023juggling.jp

© Japan Juggling Association 2023 All Rights Reserved.